Most motivational speakers regurgitate a very similar, common, and oft-repeated theme and variation of “Be all that you can Be! If you can dream it, you can achieve it! Dream, Believe, Achieve!” There can be bits of truth in these words, but the much bigger truth is that the best flight path in life is to simply be who God created you to be. He is the one who designed you from the get-go.
When I built this recent bow, I had a specific use and purpose in mind when I built it. I didn’t design it to be a ladder, or canoe paddle, nor a rake. I built it to be a bow. A beautiful, lethal, and aesthetically pleasing hunting bow. Design reveals function. When my bow functions within the parameters of what I built it for, it is a beautiful sensation for both creator and creation.
The truth of our lives is the ongoing and never-ending task of becoming and discovering who God created us to be. We are each created by God with a unique package of gifts, abilities, talents, and skills. We are each hard wired with natural inborn aptitudes and competencies. The reverse is also true. None of us are good at all things. When we operate and live from within our “God Pocket” of abilities, it is truly a beautiful thing. We are blessed, we bless others in our circle of influence and our Creator just smiles! Win, Win, Win!