Daily Devotion | August 5, 2020

Saved by Grace

by Shelly Erickson

This week during our staff meeting we did a check in with each other to see how we are doing. I'm not going to share my comments because words came out that are not devotional appropriate. However, they were brutally honest and true. The question was, "How are you doing in this time of "in between"?"

Honestly, a week or so ago- not good! I experienced hurtful conversations. I know people who have had life events worthy of celebrations - farewells, new life, milestone anniversaries. All deserve beautiful celebrations but are not able to be fully celebrated (yet) in a way they hoped.

It would be so easy to share platitudes with you. You know, those comments that are overused and supposed to make you feel better but don't, or sincere faith comments that are supposed to help, but just make you feel judged.

In the time we are in, as a person of faith and called to God's ministry, I have moments when I struggle and I am plain frustrated and honestly, I let God know it. God got it full force tonight.

There is one truth in life that I know and it is not a platitude.  God is love and God loves us without any conditions.  

We have a God who created us in love and desires to be in relationship with us. This love is what has given me the confidence - even when I have felt lowly, unworthy and frustrated, to come before the Creator of the universe and share my pain, frustration, and ask questions to which I do not have answers. It is good to question, wonder and sometimes just shout out in total frustration.

Don't suffer and stay in the shadows of fear and doubt.

Talk to God. Share all of it - the good, the bad and the ugly. God knows anyway. Why hide it?

God loves. God is listening and is in the mess with us.  If you are suffering, let go and be brutally honest with God. He loves you. Nothing will change that. In fact, you might be joyfully surprised by what God might have to say to you.

-- Shelly


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