Daily Devotion | December 3, 2020

God With Us

by Shelly Erickson

In the course of just a few hours today I received sad news and good news from two people I love.

The sad news broke my heart because I could hear the pain and sorrow in my loved one's voice. I wanted to jump through the phone and sit next to this special person and provide comfort. As we talked, I silently prayed.

The good news I received today caused me to get up, do a happy dance and praise God.

Such a paradox of feelings. The one truth that runs through both of these stories, is that God was with both people. He entered into the sorrow and He entered into the joy. God is always with us. Period.

As I thought about this truth, I remembered a short video sent to me years ago called, "An Interview with God" (not the movie). Take a few minutes and see what God might have to say to you through this inspirational video.

God's Hope, Peace, Love and Joy to you.

The Interview With God

-- Shelly

Featured videohttps://theinterviewwithgod.com/video/


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