Daily Devotion | January 2, 2021

Happy New Year!

by Michael Olson

As we look back on the year 2020, what will we remember from this past year? Certainly, the coronavirus pandemic, the racial unrest throughout the country and world, and the deaths of many loved ones will be foremost in our hearts and minds.

When we turn the page to another calendar year, will all the bad things go away and all that will be left are good, happy things?  I don't think so...

But we do have a loving and gracious God who provides for our every need. And as I've told many people in 2020 and will continue to tell many more people in 2021:  God WILL see us through! My faith is strong and I believe that things will get better.

As this new year begins, I think of a hymn that has seen me and others through the past and the present AND the future:

O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,
our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home:

Under the shadow of your throne your saints have dwelt secure;
sufficient is your arm alone, and our defense is sure.

Before the hills in order stood or earth received its frame,
from everlasting you are God, to endless years the same.

A thousand ages in your sight are like an evening gone,
short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun.

Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all our years away;
they fly forgotten, as a dream dies at the opening day.

O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,
still be our guard while troubles last and our eternal home.

I pray God's richest blessings on each one of you, today and throughout this new year!

Michael Olson, Minister of Music



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