Daily Devotion | January 25, 2021


by Pastor Marty

The sun rose upon him as passed Penuel, limping because of his hip.
Gen. 32:31

Jacob wrestled with God. The wrestling yielded a blessing but also a good limp. Last week, a day before my birthday, I was shoveling snow. Even though I was helping my neighbor, I wouldn’t put shoveling snow in the category of spiritual practices. The longer I shoveled the more I discovered an ache in my lower back. I could feel it, but I had to finish. Later that evening, the pain set in. It was hard to move. I walked funny (or maybe funnier!). I walked with an awkward limp. Unlike Jacob, I don’t think I was wrestling with God; just trying to help the neighbor. The only explanation came from my daughter, “Dad, you are getting old.” I did not find that explanation satisfying.

The next day, I would celebrate my birthday. I used to find birthdays a bit annoying as they stacked up in years. Now, I am just glad for another year! It is good to be alive. Each day is a gift. With that said, the longer we walk this road of life the greater the chance that we will walk with a limp. I do not know anyone who doesn’t walk with a limp be it physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual. Sometimes the limp is visible. Other times it is hidden within. We all have scars. We all have marks of life-that-is-lived. Jacob did. Like him, each one of us walks with some sort of limp.

I called the chiropractor hoping that I would hear the same words the paralytic heard from Jesus, “Pick up your mat and go home.” I would love a quick fix, but instead, I got an adjustment with further appointments. I was reminded that healing takes time as I limped out to the pickup and drove home. Later that day, I laid on an ice pack, thinking about how quickly the years have gone by and imagining the years ahead. The TV was on in the next room. Suddenly, I heard a commercial, a song, “Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind but now I see.” I do not know the context of what I heard because I could not get up quick enough…but I quickly applied it to my life. Grace. God’s good grace all over my life.

The next day, at dawn, would mark another year of life. I continued to limp a bit, but now, I was limping towards another year. Yep, I am getting older and I am thankful and grateful for each day. In summation: I am blessed. That is what Jacob got, as well. He was blessed. He knew it, he knew it with every step!

May you knowing the blessings of God as you walk this life….

-- Pastor Marty


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