Daily Devotion | March 18, 2021

Stepping into the Light...

by Pastor Marty

Spring ahead. Check. The cold, winter fast is over. Check. The ice, one of the last remnants of winter, will eventually be pushed to the shorelines. The days are filling with more and more light. Check. Soon, the grass and the trees will undergo their yearly ritual. Birds, that went south for the winter, will soon arrive. The whole earth, it seems, at least here, is transitioning to a new season. It is quite an announcement! An announcement that I am excited about every year.

We have been, throughout the season of Lent, learning to walk in the dark. Darkness means different things to different people. It comes to us in one form or another. Most of us would agree that those dark moments have taught us some of life’s greatest lessons. With that said, it is always good to step into the light.


Lux (lumen) is the unit for measuring illumination. Our living rooms might give off 50 Lux, our place of work might give off more than 300 Lux, but the sun can reach levels of 100,000 Lux. Light scatters darkness. It has also proven to work for crankiness, sadness, anger, disillusionment and provides a general feeling of well-being.

Easter morn is around the corner. In terms of Lux, it does not get any brighter than Easter morn. It has been that source of illumination for people for centuries. These words bring light to our souls, “He is not here. He has risen.” The light of Christ scatters the darkness. It has also proven to work for sin, death, guilt, grief and provides a general feeling of wellness – let us call it new life! It changes how we live, why we live, and the manner in which we live.

Easter, during this spring season, is God’s cosmic way of trying to awaken our sensibilities to new life that is all around. Give it a try. Look around. Touch, taste, and smell your way to the Holy. Wait for those stories that inspire and transform and have the capacity to raise the dead. Be awed that the earth is being born anew. God is doing it, again. Watch another sunrise. Pray. Sing. Worship. Listen. Listen to that loud, but small voice, that says, “Behold, I make all things new.” Each morning, step into the light…the light that proves its power and illumination on the darkest of days!

-- Pastor Marty


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