Daily Devotion | May 27, 2020

For Such a Time as This

by Shelly Erickson

I woke up this morning with these words, “For such a time as this.” I thought hmmm is this what the Holy Spirit is giving to me for this week’s devotion? Heaven knows I need something. I can’t do this on my own. All morning I prayed and listened to how God might use these words. As the words kept playing in my mind from the Book of Esther no message came to me. I read many things about Esther to “increase” my knowledge and theological understating.

By 1:30 p.m. today, I still had nothing but the words wouldn’t leave me. I went into church today for an “appropriately social distanced  meeting.” When coming into church I realized I had not checked my church mail box for quite a while. For some reason, today I did and found this letter.

Postmarked March 20

Dear Ms. Shelly,
I can’t go to class (Wednesday school) , because of the Caronaviurs [sic].

To: Ms. Shelly
From: Marin


Once I read this sweet letter I knew it was God speaking through a beautiful four-year old girl. It also reminded me of the picture her mom sent me when this pandemic started. The picture was of Marin and her sisters cutting out and putting hearts in their front window.

Isn’t it true for most of us adults that while we’re looking, searching, intellectualizing, trying to make sense of God and waiting for the big grand Godly message, it’s many times a still, small voice that comes to us and reveals a loving kindness in a time such as this. How beautiful that the Holy Spirit can choose children to deliver a message!


So, to my sweet friend Miss Marin:

I want you to know how you touched my heart today and helped this verse from Esther give new meaning to me. I read something today that said Queen Esther knew the importance of when to speak and when to remain quiet. She had great wisdom and so do you in your sweet innocence. You are right to stay home because of the coronavirus and you are right and gracious to share your note with me and the reason why you cannot come to class. Watch your mailbox because you will get an overdue letter from me. I miss you, your sweet smile and am so grateful for your courage to speak the truth like Esther.


Maybe it’s time to be like Queen Esther and sweet four-year old Marin, to pause, listen and in God’s time speak God’s truth and loving kindness.


Shelly Erickson
Director of Children's Ministry/Birth to Pre-K