Daily Devotion | November 22, 2020

May You Find a Light

devotion by Shelly Erickson

Next Sunday, we enter into one of my favorite seasons of the church year - the season of Advent. I have come to love this sacred season of quiet stillness, that also brings with it the excitement and anticipation of God’s promise - the light that is coming. Emmanuel, God with us.

This Advent season will be different for us as we are still in the midst of a pandemic. It’s an understatement to say this has been a painful and hard year. 

And yet, in quiet moments I have noticed an inner stirring. For me, this is usually a sign that the Holy Spirit is up to something and I don’t want to miss it. What if this Advent season was a holy invitation for each of us to enter into quiet stillness with God? A time for us to quiet ourselves, listen, notice, be present and allow God to lead us on a journey from the things that have been causing us pain and confusion to a new place that God has dreamed and planned just for you and me. 

The acceptance of this invitation is to simply allow yourself to be present and rest in God. It will be important for you to find a quiet place free from distractions. A place that you can go to even if for a few minutes.   

As you reflect on the possibilities of this Advent season for you,  enjoy this beautiful and simple song – “May You Find a Light.“ 

I pray that as we journey together this Advent, each of us finds the Light that leads us home. Home, where God dwells in each of us – the place where we find peace, comfort and wholeness. Our souls.

May You Find a Light.

May You Find A Light - Josh Garrels - Lyrics

God Bless!

-- Shelly

Featured songMay You Find a Light, Josh Garrels.


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