Daily Devotion | October 22, 2020

Here I Stand

by Pastor Marty

This coming Sunday is Reformation Sunday. We remember Martin Luther, a no-name monk, who taught bible in the dumpy little town of Wittenberg, who lit a match and caused a great explosion in the religious and political community throughout Europe. This explosion happened when Luther reportedly nailed his 95 Theses to the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. He had questions about God. He had questions about the Church. He had questions about the religious and political authorities. He had questions about almost everything. His 95 Theses, within weeks, spread throughout Europe and touched off a firestorm. The tectonic plates under the footings of the Church began to shake and then shift dramatically never to come together, again. 

In 1521, Luther was invited to a very important meeting in the city of Worms for one purpose, and one purpose only. They wanted Luther to issue a public apology. Nothing else was acceptable. This was his moment. This moment would define every other moment of his life. Standing behind a table filled with his books, Luther held his ground, “Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scripture or by clear reason, I am bound by the Scripture I have quoted, and my conscience is captive to the word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. May God help me. Amen.” In the presence of every power bearing down on him, Luther drew a line in the sand, as if, to say, “Here I stand…I cannot and will not recant. Here I stand…this is what I believe.” 

What do you believe? Where is your line? Where do you stand?

Luther knew a lot of things but one thing he really knew. He knew, that through Jesus we are saved by grace through faith alone. There is nothing that we can add to what Christ has already done. Nothing! It is because of Christ that we are the chosen and beloved, freed, and forgiven children of God. When we know where we stand it shapes the way we live life. 

What do you believe? Where is your line? Where do you stand?

It is only when we know where we stand can we begin to distinguish the important from the unimportant, the relevant from the irrelevant, and the essential from the non-essential. Once we know the main thing is the main thing and the main thing is Christ…then we can put everything else in its proper place. When we know who we are and who we belong to, we are set free from secondary, non-essential stuff that seeks to make ultimate claims upon our lives. We are free…. 

Even more, it is important to know where God stands. Quite honestly, Jesus crossed every line and boundary in order to get to you. The last line that was transgressed was, of course, death. God has God’s own set of beliefs and God has acted…the cross is where God says, “Here I stand…my life is ultimately for you.” Even if it is sometimes hard to know where we stand; we know where God stands. Even if it is sometimes hard to believe we know that God has God’s own set of beliefs and has acted on those beliefs in the cross and resurrection of Jesus.  

Luther knew this and it changed the way he lived…I trust it is the same with you!

-- Pastor Marty


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