Daily Devotion | September 30, 2020

Who Will Go?

by Pastor Steph

Who Will Go

Has it ever happened to you that you hear a song speak? Either in the lyrics or the rhythm or the melody and it moves you to feel something that wasn’t felt before. A shiver of goosebumps, a lump in your throat, or peace in your soul. I often use music to feel my way into prayer. One of those songs for me is a song called, “Here I am, Lord.”  It’s based off the biblical story of Samuel who knows that God is calling him to do something more than he alone can imagine and so he responds with the words, “Here I am, Lord.”

In Isaiah chapter 6 verse 8, the prophet recounts a similar story. He hears the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send and WHO WILL GO for us?” And the prophet says, “Here I am; send me!”

There is now, and has always been uncertainty in this world. As we lift up our wonder and our worry in prayer, perhaps God is asking again, WHO WILL GO for us? Who will live, love and lead like Jesus for such a time as this? May we answer the call with prophetic words “Here I am, Lord,” and may that lyric move us to feel something we haven’t felt before.

It is my prayer that we would be a people who would feel the movement of the Holy Spirit among us and boldly say to the Lord, “Here we are, send us God to bring good news to the poor; to bind up the brokenhearted and set the prisoners free. Send us God to be light in the darkness and bread for the hungry. Send us to live, love, and lead beyond what we alone can imagine so that we might join with you in moving heaven to earth.”

O Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us, and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

-- Pastor Steph

Featured video: WHO WILL GO?, Skit Guys Studios, used by permission, sermonspice.com web license. 



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