Light in the Darkness: Preaching Series


Light in the Darkness
January-February Preaching Series

The people living in darkness have seen a great light  -Matthew 4:16

Thank you for joining us for our winter preaching series “Light in the Darkness” for January & February.  Around the church, you’ll see new lights adorn our building; we hope to magnify God’s hope and love into the world, and light the way for others. Let us share it together!

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Adult Education Hour
Sundays, 10:15-11:15a.m.
Adult Ed Room, 3rd Floor

Pastor Steve Wold will share his passion for Luther’s explanation of the Apostles Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments: A refresher course on the Small Catechism. We hope you'll take advantage of this class throughout February.

When children are baptized, parents and sponsors make promises on their behalf that they will raise them in faith, “Providing for their instruction in the Holy Scriptures, and teaching them the Apostles Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments.”

These tenants of faith are the basis of Martin Luther’s small catechism and are essential truths for Christians. Martin Luther originally wrote the small catechism for household use. He believed that parents were the primary sharers of faith with their children and so he offered the basics of faith in the catechism to them. If you are looking to brush up on the basics of our faith, or you are new to faith and desire a deeper understanding, this opportunity is for you.

We hope you will take advantage of this class!

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